Friday, June 16, 2006


I was tidying up my bookmarks this afternoon when I decided to click on an old link, for the Audi Q7 Streets of Tomorrow sweeps that closed last month, to see if 1.) I could access the darn thing; in the final ten days of the sweeps, I had been unable to get the old gal humming, so, after weeks of entering every single day, I was mighty frustrated that I wasn't able to enter for the last stretch; and 2.) if I could access the site, whether they’d announced the winners. No word on the winners, but the folks at Audi have posted an informative little SWEEPS SUMMARY.

A total of 22,000 people registered for the sweeps (all those zeros make me nervous about the accuracy of the tabulations – are they sure it wasn’t more like 22,002?). There was a grand total of 67,756 entries. I’m thinking I entered at least 40 times. That means my chances of winning are, well, are what? I don’t believe I’ve ever done math in public before. I don’t know if this is the best time to start, because I’m not perfectly sure how to calculate my chances here. I’m feeling a wave of diffidence looming on the horizon. I think the correct answer is 1 in 1,694, because that’s what 67,756 divided by 40 equals, mas o menos.

If this is correct, those are darn good odds. If it’s not correct, I’m a loser at math. Which doesn’t necessarily mean I won’t be a winner at something else. Also, not to go and be an a priori sore loser or anything, but if I had been able to access the site in the final stretch before the sweeps closed, my odds of winning would have increased to 1 in 1,355. If my math is correct, that is.

P.S. The preferred car of the SONNENALP RESORT is still the Lexus, NOT an Audi. So much for sponsor loyalty.


Blogger Terri said...

I was entering that contest before you posted it, every day, until the end of the contest. Should I dust off my suitcase? I'm really amazed at those low numbers. Something just doesn't sound quite right but looks like we have pretty good odds between the two of us.

8:27 PM  
Blogger Terri said...

PS If I (or you!) entered 50 times, we have a 1 in 1,360 chance.

8:29 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Terri,
I was surprised there weren't more entries. These seem like great odds to me. Please let me know if you win one of these, or any of the prizes I've written about here.

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Terri,

Hi, my name is Berkan from Istanbul. I really like your blog. I would like to do "Link Exchange" with you. If you interested please let me know. I have a blog about monuments and best hotels all accross the Mediterrennean.

My blog address is
My email is

I will be waiting for your reply :)

7:43 AM  

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