Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I entered this one this afternoon but something tells me that the actuality of going to Vanity Fair’s Oscar Party as a sweeps winner could get real awkward real fast. Odds are high that I would not run into anyone I knew. I’d only keep bumping into people I thought I knew. Though I might bump into one or two people I technically knew, people I’d met before but who over time had forgotten they'd made my acquaintance. (I tried to give one Vanity Fair writer who kept forgetting my name a convenient mnemonic: “Major Barbara.” It went in one ear and out the other.) Of course I’d have a friend in tow, but I can be quite shy, which is why I’m discreetly referencing this Q&A with yours truly over at World Hum in the middle of an entry as opposed to shouting it out in a separate post.

Vanity Fair is doing this to try to entice folks to subscribe to the magazine. I almost did, too, until I saw the CLICK HERE TO ENTER WITHOUT SUBSCRIBING line.

What’s funny about the prize is that you get airfare (economy – no star treatment en route to mingle with the stars) and three nights at Santa Monica Loews Hotel and a pre-party session with a stylist and tickets to the Vanity Fair’s Oscar Party but no tickets to the Academy Awards. In fact, Conde Nast’s lawyers had to put the following in all upper case in the Official Rules: THIS SWEEPSTAKES IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH OR ENDORSED BY THE ACADEMY OF MOTION PICTURE ARTS AND SCIENCES. Of course the Academy cannot start co-sponsoring sweeps or the next thing you know there would be an orgy of Oscar-themed giveaways every Oscar season.

I suppose watching the Oscars at the hotel (Santa Monica Loew) while the stylist fulfills his or her obligation on your person increases your chances of having a decent, if tired, stylist.

The package also includes $1,000 for a shopping spree. $1,000? That would only leave $500 after the shoes!

To enter, click HERE.

Enter once and you are done.

The deadline to do that is December 5.


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